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This website focuses on the question, how could it be possible to contact intelligent human natures in our infinite universe technically? I believe that the start of this contact will be tied with start of a new time.

Certainly there are many other valid questions, which should be answered before the working on a technical contact begins practically, like:

- Is there any other intelligent creatures in universe, who have two feet, two hands, a heart, an external sexual organ, a head, a mouth and two eyes also intelligent human natures?
- Do they have different cultures, religions and spiritualities too?
- Do they have different countries with different laws too?
- Do they have computer science which is based on 0 and 1 too?

There are different qualified considerations and approaches to answer such questions with different results. I use an another method, which does not seem to be perfect or usable overall but could at least open a new angle or perspective to this matter.

A principle which I've named Fupri (FUturePRInciple) would be considered as a fruit of this method. It would help us to answer such questions as why we need a contact to another intelligent human natures and how our human rights and human properties like trust and love are just associated with this contact.

Fupri is developed and would be described in different periods in this year by me like its twin Papri (PAstPRInciple) – an another principle –, that I had described hier before. I believe that both principles are universal and could be applied in many areas by some professional specialists.

I try to use Fupri here for finding answers to the contact-questions and think that it indicates in this regard the following four steps:

1. In the first step we start to see more clearly, that there are another perspective to observe the life on the earth. We have begun this step together today.

2. In the second step the support of human rights becomes a new level.

Human rights are supported since 1948 permanently and become more importance. I hope, we would experience a new phase of its development probably in the next time.

3. In the third step man develops new science and technique, which are needed for any technical contact to intelligent human natures.

Because of different reasons we have not still accomplish any technical contact to other planets. One of them is that the culture in our industry countries frequently has not still accepted that everybody has his border and his own space, which is not available and knowable for another persons. Consequently we want to rule all things in the universe too. We wish to build a relationship to another planets like to another people also without respect, without trust, without love, without border.

At the same time this culture is very scared and hides his fear behind his numerous senseless activities, which are supposedly necessary for the life of persons and families. Consequently it has fear that the earth could be attacked from unknown creatures and develops senseless techniques.

Regarding on Fupri I suppose that we would never meet another intelligent human natures face to face because that does not match the evolution of our universe. Our infinite universe respects borders between persons on the earth, between earth and another planets and between galaxies too.

At the same time I believe that we could also contact only some connectors in all, which are designed and located between planets by older planets to be found by newer. They are developed by intelligent human natures technically and used as interfaces by them since millions years, something like stations only for exchanging and converting our signals, not less and not more.

A culture free from prejudice and ego would recognize that we could and should receive only these connectors while the borders between planets could not and should not be overrun. Also I might to believe that the goal of science and technique in this area would be discovering, planing and reaching these connectors and not finding creatures.

4. In the fourth step a technical contact to another intelligent human natures through these connectors begins practically.

Man hopes, the current culture would not be the same after corona . . . Me too!
